Economic Development Commission SPECIAL Meeting

CATEGORY: Public Notices

The Hammond Economic Development Commission meeting will be held at 9:00am Monday, March 21, 2022 at Hammond City Hall, Council Chambers at 5925 Calumet Avenue 2nd Floor, Room 209, Hammond, IN 46320.

If any member of the public wishes to attend the meeting electronically, the meeting will be available on Zom, which can be accessed for free on the internet at

Clicking this link will take you directly to the meeting: pwd=UEVoL3Q4eU9XK1 hl UORpaExZaE5HZz09

meeting ID 892 4079 3278
Passcode 746224

You can also download the free Zoom app to your smartphone and join the meeting via the app. Please be advised any member of the public attending the meeting will have their audio turned off during the meeting.

If anyone is in need of special accommodations for this meeting, pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, notice of said need should be provided to Sharon Daniels, City of Hammond ADA Compliance Officer, at (219) 853-6502, at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the meeting. Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate citizens when prior notice is given.