Hammond Resident David Innes Appointed to the Lake County Liquor Board


Hammond Mayor Thomas M. McDermott, Jr. congratulates Hammond resident David Innes on his appointment to the Lake County Liquor Board. Mr. Innes is Lake County’s appointment to the board and was selected by Lake County Council Member David Hamm.

Mr. Innes is a long-time resident of Hammond and a big proponent of volunteerism. He has been a referee for ARW Pro, a pro wrestling organization, for 22 years. ARW Pro is involved in many fundraising activities the most recent being for Gavit Athletic Department and Morton Marching Band Uniforms. Mr. Innes has been a group leader for Hessville Crime Watch for the past eight years along with Sgt. Scott Holbrook of the Hammond Police Department.

“I believe Dave will be a tremendous asset to the Liquor Board,” stated Mayor McDermott. “He cares deeply about Hammond.”

“I am honored to serve on the Liquor Board,” state Mr. Innes. “In all my adult years, I have always tried to be positive of the City I call home.”